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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Download any Flash Video from any website to Your System by using Mozilla Add-on

So you like a video on internet and want to download it. Who does not want it? To save videos on their system, so that they can enjoy it later or can convert it to some other format and play in your mobile.

But the problem is some of the website does not allow you to download the videos or some may be in flash format, which can’t download directly by using any third party websites. In that case how to save the flash files as videos files in your system?

To solve this problem, there is great and easy to use add-on is available in Mozilla Firefox, which lets user to download any flash or video file present in any website.

Steps to install and use it.

1. The Download Flash and Videoprovided by Mozilla is such an add-on which helps you in this case.
2.You can download the add-on directly by clicking here. (Must be suing Mozilla Firefox).
3.Click on “add to Firefox” button and the software will get downloaded in your system.

4. Click on “install now” and the add-on will get installed in your system.

5. Enable the add-on, if it is disabled in your system. (You can see all your add-on by pressing “Ctrl+Shift+A”.

6. It may ask you to restart the Firefox and after that it will open a new tab where all the steps to use it will be explained. (Link to website).
7. you may need to rename the file by giving some extension. ( always not necessary)

The same is also explained here:

How to use this Mozilla Firefox Add-On?

The first thing to do is to make sure your Add-On Bar is visible (2 options to do so):
  • Press 'CTRL + /'.
  • Go to 'View' Menu (ALT + V) -> 'Toolbars' -> 'Add-on Bar'.
Now, in order to download a Video or a Flash Game/Video, go to any of your favourite Video/Flash websites and wait for it to load. 

Once loaded, the little gray arrow icon in the Add-On bar and/or in the Tool-bar will light up to blue for any flash file found on the page; If a Video file was found on the page, the little gray arrow icon will turn into blue as well but with an added small image of a clapboard, which means there are Videos available to download as well.

Use that icon to download any desired Flash Game or Video.


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