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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Share your Screen Directly through the Browser.

Many times we thought of sharing our screen with our friends or relatives. Sometimes we want to show them something and sometimes to help them to solve their problem. For this purpose, normally we used third party software like teamviewer or crossloop or Skype, which needs to be installed on the system.

Now there is another better alternative, where you don’t have to install anything on your system.

Screenleap allows to share our screen through their website.

Just go their website and click on Share your screen now and you will be asked to allow java applet to be run.

Then you will be given private key which you can give to the person with whom you want to share your screen.  Then the screen sharing will start and your friend can easily see the screen.

Similarly to see the screen of other person (you should have the key provided by your friend), go to screenleap homepage and on the top right corner, paste the key and click on join a screen share and you can see the screen of that person.


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