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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Disable Save to SkyDrive Option from Office Word 2013.

In my previous post, I have posted regarding Office 2013, and it has one great feature "save to SkyDrive", which comes as default when, you try to save a file. However this feature has some disadvantages and users may not like it.

Consider of saving of file of an organisation, then they may not want to save it in a cloud, but in their local system, as it may lead to security issue. Otherwise think of the users who do not have internet connection. For them it may be irritating, so here is the way by which you can disable the option.

If you don’t want the default option to save file as SkyDrive and want to save it in your local machine then follow these steps.

1. Start word 2013 and click on FILE button, on the left side bottom corner you can see option, click on that.

2. Select save menu, from left side option.

3.You can see the below two option as unchecked, check them.
“Don’t always show the backstage when opening or saving files” and “Save to Computer by default.”

4.You can also choose to uncheck the option “Sign in to SkyDrive”.

So you are ready to go. Now next time you try to save a document, it will give you my computer as default save option.


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