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Monday, July 23, 2012

Google search Tips: best way to Use Google search

Today I am going give some details about how to use the dominant search engine Google (homepage of maximum internet users) in best direction. If you use Google as search engine, but you don’t know much of how to use it efficiently and just type the whole sentence then, go through it, you can know better ways. And if you know many shortcuts then just bookmark this for your future reference.

In all the below examples I will use two words getdirection and BlogSpot to give examples, whenever required.

Any of the word:

If you want the search engine to search for websites, containing any of the wordm that you type in search box, use the operator OR in between words or symbol separate them using ‘|’.

Ex: if you search as getdirection OR BlogSpot; or getdirection | BlogSpot, then you can get all websites referencing any of both word.

Exact phrase:

If you want to search for websites containing some exact phrase, then keep the phrase in double quotes.
Ex: “getdirection BlogSpot”

Not to include a word:

If you don’t want a site which contains a specific word just put “-“symbol before it.

For ex: getdirection BlogSpot –advertisement.

Similar terms:

For website containing word which are similar in meaning with your word then, use “~” (tilt) symbol

Ex: ~getdirection BlogSpot


To make the Google search engine your dictionary put define: before the word, which meaning you want to know.

Ex: define: blogspot


To make Google search your calculator just write your calculation terms using all +, -, *, %, / and keep them in parentheses.

Ex: (5+3*4)

Number range:

To search for something in between some range use this. (Best movie 2000...2012). It will give detail of all best movie from 2000 to 2012.

Site specific:

To search for a page containing a word in a site use site: sitename followed by the word.

Ex: site: computer


Use movie: operator to search details related to movie.


Similar to movies use music: operator to search details related to music.


To convert a data from one unit to other just type it directly. Like 3 mile to meter.

Phone number/ pin code details:

Directly give phone number or pin code of the area in the search box to know details about it. Google algorithm will recognize the number pattern and give you details.

File types:

To search for a specific file type use filetype: operator.

Ex: new business filetype:pdf

Say and search:

You don’t have to write anything to search also. Just click here and click on the microphone button, then say the phrase, Google will search the word automatically.

Ex: click the link and say Weather outside

Cached page:

To see the old page of a page that Google keeps in its database just type cached: followed by page name.

Use vertical search:

Instead of searching for web for whole page just use specific area.
Use any of the below link:

·         Blog Search 
·         Book Search 
·         Scholar 
·         Catalogs 
·         Code Search 
·         Directory 
·         Finance 
·         Images 
·         Local/Maps 
·         News 
·         Patent Search 
·         Product Search 
·         Video 


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