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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Internet Tips: Make your browsing experience even better

Today I am going to give you some details and shortcuts that you can use while you are using internet. This can help you in many ways and may save your time and will give you many details.


  1. While you filling a form or signing in to a website, then don’t use your mouse to go to the next field. Just use Tab button to go to next field and shift+Tab to go to the previous field. 
  2. While you are opening any link don’t directly click on it. By this it may open in a new window which gives trouble of switching window. Right click on it and choose open in new tab. Today almost every browser is coming with tab options J
  3. To go down in a page select the space button, it will take you below. To come back press shift+space button.
  4. To go the shortcut bar use alt+D. it will directly take you to the address bar of the window, so no need to use your mouse. 

Shortcut to open links in new tab:

  • If you are using a mouse then, just click the link with your scroll bar and it will get open in a new tab.
  • You can open a link in a new tab by pressing the ctrl key and then click the link directly also.

Use extensions:

Now a days browsers are providing extension that you download and use it for freely. It may help you in many ways. For example cricinfo gives free extension that you can use in Google chrome or take example of flash player that helps you to see video online. And see the match updates directly.

How to download extension:

For Google chrome browser:

Go to setting options and then choose extensions from left side pane. Click get more select. Select any extension that you want from chrome web store. If you have any specific URL for extension you can directly add that by downloading the pack extension and choosing it from your local machine.

 Mozilla Firefox browser:

Go to tools-> add-ons and then choose extensions from left side pane. On the right side you can see search for add on, just search for your desired add on and follow the steps.

Use Google to its full extent:

There are many ways that you can use for search.  Use it. To know details about how to use Google effectively go through my previous post.

 Determine When a Web Page Was Last Updated

Not sure if the content you’re viewing is recent? For example, you may want look up the latest news in relation to your favourite car manufacturer, and you want to make sure the content that you land on was not published 10 years ago.
Note: This trick is only compatible with Internet Explorer. Please make sure that Java is enabled. So to know about details of page first open the URL in internet explorer.
·  Navigate to the webpage of your choice
·  Press CTRL+D to access the address bar
·  Copy and paste this line (CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste): javascript:alert(document.lastModified)
·  Press enter to display the page age.


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