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Friday, February 1, 2013

Quick Word Meaning (In-Built dictionary) for Chrome, Firefox and Opera

Are you expert in English? Do you know meaning of every word of English? If not, then welcome to the club!!! As I am also like you. Whenever I am going through any topic, page or article, sometime I could not able to understand meaning of some words. But that’s not a big thing, right? Just open Google search as “define:word” and you can get meaning. Or you can use any installed dictionary for the same. However it not only takes time but also makes me irritate as my learning enjoyment gets disturb.

So I tried and found out some of the add-ons with which I can see meaning of the words as small pop-ups inside the webpage, which I am using currently. There are different add-ons are available for chrome, Firefox and Opera. Install and use them for more enjoyable reading.

Chrome (Google Dictionary):

Google Dictionary add-on is an extension provided by Google labs, which allows to see meaning of the word in a small pop-up frame which opens on top of the word. Whenever you want to see meaning of the word just double click on it and the pop-up with meaning will come up.

If you want to research more, click on more link visible on pop-up. It will redirect you to the Google search page with that word as content.

To install Google Dictionary, Click on Add to Chrome and then add (in the generated pop up box).
After installation of the extension, you may have to restart the browser to see effect on previously opened tabs. 

If you want to set a trigger button to show meaning instead of double clicking it, it can be activated. To activate it, right click on extension and choose option. Then choose your desired option from the available options.

Opera (Bubble Dictionary):

For opera web browser the Bubble Dictionary gives the same feature with some more features. The extension doesn't only show the meaning of the particular word, but also displays search results from different search portals like IMDB, YouTube and Google.

After installing pop-up, you just have to double click on a word as you were doing in Chrome and you can see meaning of the word with all other data in a pop-up. You can even customize the pop-up and its functionality by either directly clicking on it or double click and go to preferences.

Firefox (One Click Pop-up Dictionary):

For Firefox users, OneClick Pop-up Dictionary gives the same functionality of looking at meaning of the words. To install the Dictionary, Click on add to Firefox and then install now. It will ask for Firefox to restart. Restart the Firefox to see the changes.

To see the meaning of the word in Firefox, you have to highlight the word by double clicking on it and then click on the add-on button, press on right top side corner. Alternatively press shift+D keys to activate the add-on and see the pop-up. 

The dictionary also includes a pronunciation guide and you can listen to a voice guide by clicking the small play button next to the meaning. In fact, this feature is in the Google dictionary for Chrome app too.

So enjoy your reading, with meaning of all unknown word. Make your  reading experience more enjoyable and understandable


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