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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Give Access to your Gmail without giving your password

So what you do normally when you want to give access to someone for reading and sending email on your behalf. For example a manger his giving access to his/her secretary. In this case normally someone gives the mail password to him/her.

Since all of the Google service have one account and password for all of its service so, when you are giving your password of Gmail to someone, indirectly you are giving him/her access to every service provided by Google. (Picasa, Calendar, Google plus).

So what to do? Well, there is a solution provided by Google where you can only give access to someone only for your mail, and the person can only able to view your mail and send mails on your behalf.

So the steps for giving access only to Gmail are:

    1. Open your Gmail, click on gear box button on right top corner and go to settings.

2. Go to Accounts and imports tab and click on add another account button.

3. Write the mail id of the person to whom you want to give access.

After that work is done and delegate can only access your Gmail service, however there is still some other way on which delegate has the control. They are

  1. Delegate can only see your mail
  2. Delegate can send mails on your behalf and the recipient can know that the mail did not come directly from you, however some other person whom you have given access. For e.g. if has given access to and the recipient is and PQR can know that the mail come from ABC sent by XYZ.

For the Delegates:

The delegate can see the mails of the person who has given him access by click on the photo on top right corner. Below the delegate’s name and photo you can the other person name. Click on it and you can access their mail.

So no more problem of authorization and privacy protection. :)


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