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Friday, August 3, 2012

Convert Your Gmail to Google Document

Ever tried to download a mail from your mail account to your local machine and failed, or faced a lot of problem like saving the whole page and then copying it and editing? If yes, then Google has given a good solution for this problem.

If you have a Gmail account, then, you can easily save your mail in Google docs and then download the copy in many formats. You can also download it offline, share it with others and can enjoy all other services that you get for Google docs document.

So to enable this feature in your Gmail account go to settings->labs.
Then search for the create document and enable it.

Note: your Gmail page will be reloaded.

Then you are ready to rock.

Open any of your mail, and go to more-> create a document.

Your mail will be created in Google docs as a new document with all the contents.
Note: the attachments may be get ignored while creating the document.

Then save/share/download the document and enjoy.


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