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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Error 451 proposed by Tim Bray : First Direction

Google employee and creator of XML, Tim Bray, has proposed a new error message for the web. Rather than hiding censored websites behind a generic 403 error – “the server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfil it” – these websites would return 451 – “Unavailable for Legal Reasons.”

For each request we send to a server in internet, there are some predefined error numbers. Whenever some request is send and some error occurs the browser displays the error number with little description according to that. 

According to censorship rule some websites are banned in some countries and is try to access it then you will get error number 403 meaning that "the server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfil it", however it was not the server which is blocking the request , it’s the Government which is not allowing you to access it. 

It is numbered by Tim Bray, inspired by the novel Fahrenheit451 of Ray Bradbury.

Tim Bray , a fan of Bradbury's writing, is recommending to the Internet Engineering Task Force , which governs such choices, that when access to a website is denied for legal reasons the user is given the status code 451 .

"We can never do away entirely with legal restrictions on freedom of speech. On the other hand, I feel that when such restrictions are imposed, they should be done so transparently; for example, most civilised people find Britain's system of super injunctions loathsome and terrifying," Bray told the Guardian. "While we may agree on the existence of certain restrictions, we should be nervous whenever we do it; thus the reference to the dystopian vision of Fahrenheit 451 may be helpful. Also, since the internet exists in several of the many futures imagined by Bradbury, it would be nice for a tip of the hat in his direction from the net, in the year of his death."

The Internet Engineering Task Force is likely to look at his proposal when it next meets in late July, Bray said


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