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Monday, December 31, 2012

Install the Freeware Linux Ubuntu without using any Bootable DVD or pen drive.

Now a days 70% people are using windows as their operating system, however for it you have to pay. So any other way, yes the famous, stable and most efficient freeware OS Linux Ubuntu.

Many people wants to install it and use it, however they don’t go for it. The most important reason for it the unavailability of bootable DVD. But now you don’t need a bootable DVD or external pen drive to install the OS.

You can directly download the OS in Windows installer format from here. And then easily install it and enjoy it.

Steps to download and install the Linux Ubuntu.

  1. Make sure you have an extra drive free of nearly 20-25 GB in your hard disk which will work as base drive for Linux.
  2.  To download the Linux installation file click here. It is of size ~753 MB. It will ask for donation which is optional. Either you can donate it or just click on Not now, take me to the download to get the installation file without paying.
  3.  You will get an .iso file. Unzip it and then install it.
  4. It will automatically get install and after restarting you can login to Ubuntu.


  1.  Its freeware. You don’t have to pay for it.
  2.  You can keep to OS in your system and login to anyone you want.
  3.  All the software for Linux are freeware and you don’t have to pay for it.
  4.  As many of us sometimes feels the problem of drivers installation for windows, that problem will be solved as for Linux you get them easily.
  5.  To know more click here.

So enjoy the freeware OS without any bootable DVD or Pen drive.


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