Greenway Germany’s entry into Microsoft 10th Imagine Cup student technology competition in Sydney this week, invented a new technology to prevent traffic jams. The three person team of Greenway developed a mobile app, a very smart navigation system, which allows the drivers to use the streets efficiently so that traffic jam can be avoided.
How does it work?
Normally drivers choose the daily routined direct path from source to destination. This route is normally common for all and hence leads to traffic jam. The algorithm of Greenway is designed in such way that it calculates the number of vehicle in a route and tells the drivers the next available unutilized route so that all the vehicles will get distributed through the available streets and can lead to no traffic jams.
Currently this app runs on Microsoft phone (with Windows Phone Application is used as a front-end for customers.). Greenway also uses traffic data provided by users to make it more perfect to calculate the perfect route.
By using a Greenway one can reduce time spent on travel, traffic and also fuel as it gives the optimized path to travel.
That’s also where the team’s business model comes in. Whenever a user opens the app, Greenway will show two sets of data: one for a regular, non-optimized route and one for Greenway’s optimized route. This data includes driving time and the mileage a user can expect to get on these routes. Users who choose the Greenway route then pay a fraction of the money they save in gas using the app, but never more than $0.30.
Greenway was among the 20 teams chosen for second round in Microsoft’s student competition 2012.
As the apps goes to market it can be proved that it’s one of the best apps for Go Green. In real life scenario users of Greenway may face problem due to the road condition and it all depends upon the experience of the driver as per local roads.
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